Im Preis enthalten sind technische Beratung, Kursmaterial und PC-COLLEGE - Zertifikat.
Kurssprache ist Deutsch, die Unterlagen sind in englischer Sprache (teilweise in digitaler Form). The ONTAP Security and Compliance course describes the architecture and functionality of the ...
Kurssprache ist Deutsch, die Unterlagen sind in englischer Sprache (teilweise in digitaler Form).
The ONTAP Security and Compliance course describes the architecture and functionality of the integrated data protection security and compliance features and benefits in ONTAP 9 data-management software, including SnapLock software, key management features, and encryption technologies. The course also explains the administration, configuration, and management of the integrated data protection compliance features.
ONTAP Security and Compliance Solutions Administration is intended for data protection administrators of any experience level.
Hinweis: Dieses Seminar führen wir in Kooperation mit der Fast Lane GmbH durch.
Module 1: Security and Compliance Solutions
- ONTAP 9 Security features
- Data protection compliance challenges
- Regulatory and business requirements
- Integrated compliance features
Module 2: Securing and Hardening ONTAP Software
- 3 planes of security
- - ManagementControlData
- - Management
- - Control
- Data
- Proactive security features
Module 3: ONTAP Data Retention
- SnapLock
- - Compliance softwareArchitectureManaging volumesFile typesProtecting volumesAdvanced features
- - Compliance software
- - Architecture
- - Managing volumes
- - File types
- - Protecting volumes
- - Advanced features
Module 4: ONTAP Key Management
- Overview
- Encrypted key management
Module 5: ONTAP Data Encryption
- Encryption
- - NetApp Storage Encryption (NSE)NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE)
- - NetApp Storage Encryption (NSE)
- NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE)
- Volume encryption demonstration
- Implement role-based access control
- Configure SnapLock compliance software for file retention
- Create a SnapLock for SnapVault relationship
- Use the privileged delete feature
- Key manager setup wizard
- Data Protection Administrations - Security Engineers - NetApp Partners - NetApp Employees
- ONTAP Cluster Administration (ONTAP9ADM) And ONTAP Data Protection Administration (DATAPROT9) Or, - NA-CDOTDP9
2.142,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Im Preis enthalten sind technische Beratung, Kursmaterial und PC-COLLEGE - Zertifikat.
Unverbindliche und kostenfreie Informationsanfrage zum Kursthema: "NetApp - ONTAP Compliance Solution Administration (OCSA)"
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